Event Look & Feel for State IT Conference
Pitch: State Information Technology Agency (SITA) of South Africa's annual conference, GovTech 2008
Pitch: State Information Technology Agency (SITA) of South Africa's annual conference, GovTech 2008
The 2008 theme for GovTech, SITA's annual conference, was "Collaborate. Innovate. Deliver." I took the idea of a "paper plane" that consist of different parts that's put together as the concept: the different stickers of the plane coming together ("Collaborate"), the blue print of the plane ("Innovate"), and then the final product - stickers and blue print folded and stuck together ("Deliver").

Event logo

Event Style Guide

Event Style Guide

Event letterhead and continuation sheets

Page layout - articles, editorials, adverts and press releases

Adverts and Posters

Conceptual Poster

Conceptual Poster